
Terms Of Service

Before commencing usage of the Services, it is imperative that you thoroughly review and comprehend these Terms of Use. By accessing, browsing, or using the services, including submitting information to the website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms of use. This includes the privacy policy and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. You agree that the terms of use, along with your use of the services, have the same legal force as a written contract with your signature. They also satisfy any laws that require a written agreement. You also agree not to dispute the legitimacy, enforceability, or admissibility of the Terms of Use based on the fact that it was delivered or authorized electronically.
The Services are provided and accessible to individuals who are 18 years of age or over. By utilizing the Services, you affirm and guarantee that you fulfill the aforementioned eligibility criteria. Failure to achieve this criteria prohibits you from accessing or using the Services.

Beware that these terms contain provisions that limit Novoliv’s liability and outline our obligations about the services. They also include certain conditions regarding jurisdiction and certain exclusions of Novoliv’s responsibility.

The services do not offer medical advice.


The contents of the Services, including text, graphics, and photographs, are provided solely for informational reasons. The Content and Services are not meant to replace or serve as a substitute for expert medical guidance, diagnosis, or treatment. It is important to consult a physician or other trained health expert for any inquiries about a medical problem.
In the event that you suspect you are experiencing a medical emergency, it is imperative that you promptly contact your physician or dial 911. Novoliv does not provide any recommendations or endorsements for specific tests, physicians, products, methods, viewpoints, or other material mentioned on the Content or Services. Your reliance on any information provided by this website, whether invited by Novoliv or other visitors to the Services, is entirely at your own risk. The Content and Services may include sexually explicit health- or medical-related materials. If you find these contents objectionable, you may choose not to utilize our Content or Services.
All Content and Services, including derivative works, are the property of Novoliv, unless stated otherwise. Novoliv owns, controls, licenses, or uses them with permission. The Services and its Contents are safeguarded by copyright, trademark, trade dress, and other legal provisions. Novoliv owns all global rights, ownership, and interest in the Services and Contents, or uses them with permission. The trademarks of Novoliv include the Website, its logos, the Apps, their logos, and all other trademarks found on the Content and Services.
You are prohibited from exhibiting or use these trademarks without obtaining Novoliv’s explicit written consent.
The Contents and Services are exclusively designed for the personal, non-commercial utilization by the users of the Services and may only be employed in accordance with the permissions outlined in these Terms of Use. You are allowed to distribute the Content by utilizing the social media links (such as “Share,” “Pin It,” and “Tweet”) that are available on our Services. You can also distribute the Content by email by using our “Share” link. You are permitted to download or duplicate the Content and any downloadable materials presented on the Services solely for your personal use. You do not acquire any ownership, legal claim, or stake in any materials or software that you download, share, or duplicate. Unless otherwise specified, you are prohibited from reproducing, republishing, publishing, uploading, posting, transmitting, distributing (including via email or other electronic means), publicly displaying, modifying, creating derivative works from, selling, or participating in the sale of, or exploiting in any manner, either fully or partially, any of the Content, Services, or related software without obtaining prior written consent from Novoliv or the respective owner of such material. Unauthorized use of trademarks, trade names, service marks, trade dress, or copyrighted or other proprietary material presented on these Content and Services is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Novoliv or the owner of such content. Novoliv reserves all rights not explicitly given to you herein, including those held by its licensors. The Content and Services provide information primarily for general informational purposes. Periodically, we may revise the Content; nonetheless, it is important to note that the Content may not be exhaustive or current. Any content on the Services may become outdated at any time, and we have no duty to update such content.


You are strictly forbidden from breaching or attempting to breach the security protocols on the Services, which include, but are not limited to:
• Engaging in unauthorized activities such as probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of the system or network, or attempting to breach security or authentication mechanisms;
• Utilizing the information provided in the Services to create software programs, such as training a machine learning or artificial intelligence system, is prohibited.
• Engaging in any activity that disrupts or hinders the service provided to any user, host, or network, such as overloading, flooding, mail bombing, or crashing.
• Transmitting unsolicited email or commercial electronic messages, which may include the promotion or advertisement of items or services;
• Engaging in the act of falsifying any TCP/IP packet header or any component of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting;
Engaging in any form of hijacking, such as taking control of the Services or Content, altering or removing any Services or Content, displaying the Services or Content on another website through pop-up messages or advertising, or linking to the Services or Content, is strictly prohibited without our explicit written consent.


You consent to utilizing the Content and Services exclusively for legitimate intentions and solely for your individual, non-commercial utilization. The Services may not be used to engage in activities that involve transmitting, posting, downloading, distributing, copying, publicly displaying, storing, or destroying material that: (a) violates any applicable law or regulation, (b) infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others, such as copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights, or violates the privacy, publicity, or personal rights of others, or (c) is libelous, obscene, offensive, threatening, defamatory, abusive, or hateful.
We possess all autonomy to ascertain whether any usage infringes upon these regulations, and to take action as We consider suitable in the case of any transgression. Engaging in actions that breach the security of a system or network can lead to legal responsibility, either in the form of civil or criminal culpability. We shall examine incidents that may entail these infractions and collaborate with, as well as provide information to, law enforcement agencies in order to identify and prosecute users who are engaged in such violations.


All content posted on your website must be properly attributed to the respective website, with links provided to the original piece on that website. You are authorized to exhibit the following content on your website, as long as you give proper attribution to us as the original publisher and refrain from harming our reputation or exploiting it:
• A live hyperlink to the complete original article on the relevant website.
Include a canonical tag in the header code of your website. Follow the instructions provided at this link to set a canonical:
• Placing or using any software to place complete articles from the applicable Website on your website is prohibited unless you have obtained prior written permission from Us. In such cases, the full terms of use will be applied.
• It is prohibited to create a hyperlink from any website that you do not control.
• The use of the Novoliv logo is prohibited.
• It is imperative that you refrain from creating a link in a manner that implies any kind of connection, authorization, or endorsement from us, when in reality there is none.
• You are prohibited from implying or insinuating that the relevant Websites endorse or approve your website, products, content, or any opinions stated on your website.
Our Content is exclusively permitted to be posted on websites that:
• Avoid promoting, facilitating, or encouraging illegal conduct, and refrain from displaying content that can be acted upon under the laws of the United Kingdom or the United States.
• It is prohibited to endorse, enable, or incite any form of hatred (such as racism, terrorism, violence, and any kind of discrimination).
• Content must not be deceptive, pornographic, or defamatory.
• Avoid showing any content that violates the intellectual property rights of other parties.
It is prohibited to utilize a script that collects data from our website with each page load.
Novoliv offers its Content free of charge and prohibits users from charging for access to Novoliv’s Content or attempting to sell it.
Novoliv has the authority to limit, suspend, or end any Content, your access to Content, the availability of Content, or these Terms of Use at any moment, without incurring any responsibility. Upon receiving notice of termination from Novoliv, you are obligated to promptly delete all of the Content from your website. You have the option to end these Terms of Use at any point by deleting all Content from your website and eliminating all copies of our Content that you have.


Due to certain legal restrictions, the limitations and exclusions mentioned below may not be applicable to you if your jurisdiction does not allow exclusions of implied warranties, limitations on the duration of implied warranties, or the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages.
The Services and the Content are provided without any warranties or guarantees, and your use of the Services and the Content is solely your responsibility and may involve potential risks. When utilizing the Services, data will be conveyed over a method that may lie outside of the influence and legal authority of Novoliv.

Novoliv disclaims all responsibility or legal obligation for any delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of data or other information communicated while using the Services. Novoliv, to the maximum extent allowed by the law, denies any responsibility for any kind of guarantee, whether it is explicit or implicit, legal or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied guarantees of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, and suitability for a specific purpose.

In addition, Novoliv does not provide any assurances or guarantees regarding the following:
The Content, software, text, graphics, links, or communications offered on or via the use of the Services may lack accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness, or timeliness.
• The fulfillment of government rules that mandate the sharing of information about prescription medicine goods or the endorsement or adherence of any software tools in relation to the Content found on the Services.
• You may be held responsible for any harm, disruption of service, or computer infections caused by accessing or using the Services and its contents.
Novoliv shall not be held liable for any damages, including but not limited to incidental and consequential damages, personal injury or wrongful death, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption. This applies even if Novoliv was previously informed of the potential for such damages. Whether the claim is based on contract, negligence, or any other theory, Novoliv is not responsible for any issues arising from the use, inability to use, or performance of the information, content, and services provided. Novoliv bears no responsibility for any bodily harm, including fatality, or violation resulting from your utilization or mishandling of the Services, Content, or Comments (as defined below). All claims related to your use of the Services, any Content, or Comments must be filed within one (1) year from the date of the occurrence that caused the claim.
Please refer to the Disclaimer for additional information.


Novoliv has the ability to designate specific sites as top choices for search keywords you input. Additionally, Novoliv may permit advertisers to provide adverts or sponsored content in response to selected search queries. Novoliv neither recommends nor endorses the content found on any third-party websites. Novoliv disclaims any responsibility for the content of linked third-party sites, sites framed inside the Services, third-party sites offered as search results, or third-party advertisements, and makes no assurances regarding their content or accuracy. Using third-party websites carries inherent risks and is governed by the terms of use specific to such sites. Novoliv does not support or promote any product that is advertised on the Content or Services.


By using and accessing the Services, you agree to protect, compensate, and absolve Novoliv from any claims, legal actions or demands, liabilities, and settlements, including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting fees. These claims, actions, or demands may arise from (i) your use and access of the Services, (ii) your violation of any term stated in these Terms of Use, (iii) your violation of any rights of a third party, such as copyright, property, or privacy rights, or (iv) any claim that your use of the Services caused harm to a third party.


refers to the authority or power of a legal system, such as a court or government, to hear and make decisions on legal matters within a particular
In the event that a court with appropriate authority determines that any part of these Terms of Use is invalid, the other portions of these Terms of Use will still be valid and enforceable. Any waiver of these Terms of Use shall not be considered as a subsequent or ongoing waiver of that specific term or condition, or any other term or condition.


Feedback or opinions provided by individuals in response to a particular topic or content.
Any comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, or other submissions that are disclosed, submitted, or offered to Novoliv through the Content and/or Services, or in connection with your use of the Content and/or Services (referred to as “Comments”) will become the property of Novoliv. By disclosing, submitting, or offering any Comments, you are assigning Novoliv all copyrights and other intellectual properties in the Comments, including worldwide right, title, and interest. Novoliv has no duty to keep any Comments confidential, provide remuneration to users for any Comments, or react to user Comments.
You are obligated to refrain from posting or transmitting any Comments or other information on or through the Services that:
• is illegal, defamatory, detrimental, menacing, abusive, harassing, derogatory, obscene, sexually explicit, blasphemous, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive in any way;
• is an unauthorized advertisement or promotion for any product or service without written approval from Novoliv;
• is factually incorrect, fraudulent, or represents an unjust or deceitful trade practice;
• encourages the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or other illicit substance;
• Represents a violation of your contractual and/or fiduciary duties or an infringement against privacy;
• violates any third-party intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, trade names, corporate names, trade secrets, copyrights, publicity rights, or other proprietary or property rights;
• Includes malicious elements such as viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other code, scripts, routines, files, or programs intended to modify, disrupt, hinder, restrict, or damage the performance and/or operation of any software, hardware, or other equipment.
By providing Comments, you acknowledge and agree that they do not include any sensitive, proprietary, or trade secret information from any third party, and Novoliv will not regard them as confidential. Novoliv is not required to maintain, retain copies of, or give back any Comments. Novoliv has the authority to alter, delete, or remove any Comments from the Services if it believes they violate the mentioned standards. However, Novoliv is not obligated to do so.
Novoliv shall have the right to, without any restrictions or limitations, as previously mentioned:
• We have the right to delete or decline to publish any Comments at our own discretion, without providing a reason.
• We reserve the right to take any action regarding any Comments that we consider necessary or appropriate, at our sole discretion. This includes taking action if we believe that a Comment violates the Terms of Use, infringes upon any intellectual property or other rights, poses a threat to the personal safety of users or the public, or could result in liability for Novoliv.
• We may provide your identity or any other information about you to any third party who asserts that material posted by you infringes against their rights, such as their intellectual property rights or their right to privacy.
• Initiate necessary legal measures, such as reporting to law enforcement, in response to any unlawful or unauthorized utilization of the Services.
• We reserve the right to discontinue or temporarily stop your access to all or some of the Services for any reason, including but not limited to, any breach of these Terms of Use.
In addition to the above, we reserve the right to fully collaborate with any law enforcement agencies or court orders that require or instruct us to reveal the identify or any other information of individuals who post any content on or via our Services. You relinquish and absolve NovoLiv of all liability arising from any actions taken by any of the aforementioned parties during or as a result of their investigations, as well as from any actions taken as a result of investigations conducted by either of these parties or law enforcement authorities.
Nevertheless, we are unable to thoroughly evaluate all content prior to its publication on the Services and cannot guarantee the immediate removal of offensive material once it has been posted. As allowed by the law, we are not responsible for any actions or lack of actions related to the transmission, communication, or content provided by users or third parties. We do not bear any obligation or responsibility towards anyone for the execution or failure to execute the activities outlined in this section.


This policy is designed to adhere to the mandates of the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Novoliv will thoroughly examine reports of copyright violations and implement suitable measures in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2) (“DMCA”). If you suspect that your work has been replicated in a manner that violates copyright laws, kindly notify us at the email address provided below.
The email address is


The Privacy Policy governs all data that we gather on the Services. By utilizing the Services, you agree to all measures taken by Us in regards to your information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
To address any problems with our products or services, kindly email us at


The Terms of Use serve as the whole agreement between you and Novoliv regarding the utilization of the Services and Content.
Novoliv has the authority to update, revise, augment, and modify these Terms of Use at its own discretion. It can also impose new or additional terms and restrictions on your use of the Services periodically.

The Additional Terms, which include updates, revisions, supplements, modifications, and additional rules, policies, terms, and conditions, will become effective immediately and will be included in these Terms of Use upon notice. Notice may be given through various means, such as posting on the Services. If you continue to browse or use the Services after receiving such notification, it will be seen as a clear indication that you accept any and all Additional Terms.


You have the option to discontinue the use of the Services at any time (with the condition that some terms mentioned below will still remain in effect). Novoliv has the authority to terminate these Terms of Use and/or Services at any time, and they may do so without prior notice. If, in the sole opinion of Novoliv, you fail to comply with any term or provision of the Terms of Use, Novoliv may refuse you access to the Services.


Novoliv’s failure to strictly enforce any provision of these Terms of Use does not mean that Novoliv gives up its right to enforce that provision or any other provision of this Agreement in the future. Additionally, any delay or omission by Novoliv to exercise or take advantage of any right or remedy it has or may have under this Agreement does not mean that Novoliv gives up that right or remedy.


We appreciate your collaboration. We trust that our Services will prove to be beneficial and user-friendly for you. For any inquiries or feedback regarding these Services, including any notifications of broken links, please send an email to