
A lady with overbite and a tooth brush

13 Unbelievable Buck Teeth Myths, Busted!

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Ah, buck teeth. We’ve all heard the stories, the myths, and the downright bizarre tales surrounding them. Whether you’re sporting a charming pair yourself or just curious, it’s time to set the record straight. Let’s look at some common misconceptions and bust those buck teeth myths wide open.

Myth 1: Buck Teeth Are Just a Cosmetic Issue

Busted: One of the most common buck teeth myths is the idea that buck teeth only affect your appearance. Sure, they might give you a distinctive look, but buck teeth are more than just a peculiarity. They can affect how you bite, chew, and even speak.

Ignoring them can lead to jaw pain, gum issues, and even problems with your digestion if chewing becomes difficult. It’s not just about how you look in photos; it’s about ensuring your mouth functions smoothly.

Myth 2: Only Braces Can Fix Buck Teeth

Busted: While braces are a popular option, they’re not the only game in town. Clear aligners like Invisalign can gently guide your teeth into place without the metal-mouth look.

There are also retainers that can help maintain alignment. In some cases, dental surgery might be the best route, especially for severe cases. Plus, early intervention with space maintainers in kids can prevent the issue from worsening.

Myth 3: Buck Teeth Are Always Hereditary

Busted: Genetics do play a role, but they’re not the whole story. Habits like thumb-sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier, or even mouth breathing can contribute to developing buck teeth.

So, if you or your kids are showing signs, it’s worth looking at both nature and nurture. Addressing these habits early on can make a big difference.

Myth 4: Only Kids Get Buck Teeth

Busted: Buck teeth aren’t picky about age. While they often show up in childhood, adults can develop them too. Teeth shifting is a lifelong process influenced by factors like tooth loss, gum disease, or even changes in jaw alignment.

So, maintaining good dental habits and regular check-ups are crucial no matter how old you are.

Myth 5: Buck Teeth Will Always Require Treatment

A tooth brush with invisalign

Busted: Among buck teeth myths this one is really a common man’s problem: “If they’re not causing any discomfort or health issues, there’s no urgent need to rush to the orthodontist.” It may be true in some scenarios, but it’s always best to seek a professional’s consultation. Sometimes one can’t assess his problem really well, and it can turn into nasty dental complications.

People can embrace their unique look if it’s okay with them, but a dental consultation can help you make an informed decision.

Myth 6: Buck Teeth Are a Sign of Poor Oral Hygiene

Busted: This one’s the most absurd of all the buck teeth myths, and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Buck teeth have a lot more to do with genetics and habits than how often you brush and floss.

That said, keeping your teeth clean and healthy is always a good idea, whether you have buck teeth or not. Proper oral hygiene can prevent other complications like cavities and gum disease, which can impact anyone.

Myth 7: Buck Teeth Make You Talk Funny

Busted: While severe cases might affect speech, most people with buck teeth don’t sound any different from anyone else. Minor misalignments usually don’t impact speech at all.

And if speech is affected, speech therapy can often help. So, don’t let this buck teeth myth hold you back from speaking up and expressing yourself confidently.

Myth 8: Only Expensive Treatments Work

Busted: Dental care can be pricey, but there are affordable options. Community dental clinics, dental schools, and payment plans can make treatment more accessible.

It’s worth exploring all your options before assuming cost is a barrier. Sometimes even simple interventions like dental check-ups and cleanings can make a big difference.

Myth 9: Buck Teeth Always Come Back After Treatment

Busted: If treated correctly and maintained, buck teeth don’t have to make a return appearance. Wearing retainers as prescribed and following your orthodontist’s advice can keep your smile in check.

Regular dental visits help ensure everything stays in place, and if adjustments are needed, they can be made promptly.

Myth 10: Buck Teeth Define Your Personality

Lady embracing her smile because she is now informed about buck teeth myths and doesn't heed them.

Busted: This one is more of a philosophical buck teeth myth. Your teeth, buck or otherwise, don’t define who you are. Confidence, kindness, and how you carry yourself matter far more.

Your smile is part of your uniqueness, but it’s your personality that truly shines. So, rock that smile with pride and remember that it’s just one piece of the beautiful puzzle that is you.

Myth 11: Buck Teeth Are Caused by Bad Parenting

Busted: This buck teeth myth unfairly places blame on parents for their children’s dental issues. While habits influenced by parenting, like thumb-sucking, can contribute, genetics and other factors also play a significant role.

Blaming parents oversimplifies the issue and overlooks the complexity of dental health. It’s important to understand that many factors contribute to buck teeth, and it’s not a reflection of parenting skills.

Myth 12: Once You Have Buck Teeth, It’s Too Late to Fix Them

Busted: People have this false idea that if you get buck teeth, you’ll have to stick with it forever. It’s never too late to address dental issues, including buck teeth. Advances in orthodontics mean that treatments are available for people of all ages.

Adults can benefit from braces, aligners, and other treatments just as much as children can. So, don’t feel discouraged if you’re considering treatment later in life—there’s always time to improve your dental health.

Myth 13: Buck Teeth Will Straighten Out on Their Own

Busted: This is a rather hilarious buck teeth myth, that protruding teeth will magically align themselves without intervention is wishful thinking. Teeth alignment issues usually don’t resolve on their own and often require orthodontic treatment.

Early consultation with a dentist or orthodontist can help determine the best course of action to prevent further complications. Ignoring the issue may lead to more significant problems down the road. Proactive treatment can save time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the development and alignment of teeth, especially in children.

A lady with braces


Like many things in life, come with their share of myths and misconceptions. Whether you’re considering treatment or just curious, it’s important to separate fact from fiction.

Remember, your smile is unique—embrace it, take care of it, and don’t let these buck teeth myths dim your shine.

References and Links

1. Overbite [Internet]. Wikipedia. 2024 [cited 2024 Jul 30]. Available from:

‌2. Overbite: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. Available from:

3. Buck Teeth: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments for an Overbite [Internet]. Healthline. 2019 [cited 2024 Jul 30]. Available from:

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