
Exercises for Cancer

Do exercises for cancer prevention really help?

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About 10 million people die from cancer each year, yet there is no permanent solution to this trial, even at this age. Do exercises for cancer prevention really help? Scientists have always suggested ways to avoid the occurrence of cancer by avoiding carcinogenic chemicals, pollutants, ionizing radiation, etc., and researchers add many new things to this list every now and then, but many of these suggestions are bothersome for many people; they neglect them and become unlucky victims to this fatal predicament.


To humanity’s luck, recent research conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney showed that people who had done 4 to 5 minutes of strenuous exercise every day had a 32% reduced probability of developing cancer.

The research analyzed data from individuals who had been involved in having quick bursts of vigorous activities every day for 6-7 years.

Exercises For Cancer Prevention

The activities included household chores such as playing high-intensity activities with kids, carrying large shopping bags around the grocery store, and power walking in short bursts.
The study indicated that people who went through these exercises, classified as “vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity” (VILPA), for 4-5 minutes a day could lower the chance of lung, kidney, bladder, and stomach cancer by a whopping 30%. These exercises for cancer prevention have an amazing impact on the overall health of people.

This is a remarkable figure when you consider that the prevalence of cancer has been increasing in recent years due to the increased dependence on known carcinogenic sources of food such as processed meat, packaged snacks, cereals, soda, etc. If one gets a better chance at life by doing some exercises for cancer prevention, it will otherwise cost him a great deal of fortune.

Exercises for Cancer

Moreover, the pollutants in water, crops, and air are also contributing to increasing cases of cancer in developed populations.

Most of these factors can’t be avoided at this age due to the growing population and its ever-increasing needs. This makes VILPA a marvelous pre-emptive measure against cancer, especially in vulnerable populations.

It fits with the busy lifestyle of the modern era because 3-5 minutes of strenuous exercise is what even a lazy couch potato, a nerdy gamer, or a binge-watching otaku can do. People who have crazy working routines can also fit VILPA into their tedious schedules.

So how does VILPA, “exercises for cancer” change the way the body works against tumors?

Humans are blessed with anti-tumor mechanisms that are there to prevent the growth of tumors in the body but still, some of these fiends find ways to protect themselves from such mechanisms. Strenuous exercise decreases the tendency to develop such tumors in two known ways.

1. Reducing the quantity of circulating sex hormones and growth factors

Sex hormones such as estrogen play vital roles in normal cell development and function but when a cancerous cell is exposed to high levels of estrogen it sparks the development of a tumor.

2.  Decreasing high levels of insulin in the blood.

Insulin plays a role in new cell production and decreases cell death. This, in turn, helps a tumor grow unchecked. When a person is actively involved in tough exercise routines, it prevents a hike in insulin levels which significantly decreases tumor growth and reduces the chances of cancer development.

Is VILPA enough?

Short answer: No. It’s an extremely valuable way of helping your body keep cancer at bay but you’ll definitely need more pre-emptive measures than just relying on VILPA. Consume a diet rich in antioxidants, as they’ll protect your body from harmful radicals that cause oxidative stress and contribute to tumor formation. Also, you’ve got to keep avoiding carcinogens in your diet, i.e., canned and processed food. All these measures work synchronously and contribute to your defense against cancer.

So Should we be serious about these exercises for cancer prevention?

Lady having Cancer

Imagine being saved from a lethal disease just by investing 3-5 minutes of your time, reducing your chances of getting a disease that would otherwise have been a financial and mental hassle.

Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and should not be considered a replacement for medical advice.

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